The law catches up with Twitterers

Not a day goes by  now when some footballer doesn’t get into trouble for posting something they shouldn’t have on Twitter (or some other form of blogging platform). Sometimes it’s relatively harmeless such as Ryan Babel, other times it takes on a more sinister tone. Sheffield United’s Connor Brown and his alleged comments on Twitter over the Ched Evans conviction is the perfect case of footballers not really understanding the power of the publishing tools they possess. In fairness, to footballer it appears that many don’t understand the laws of the land when it comes to publishing. After the whole Giggs incident, it seems the law is finally getting a hand on policing the internet by arresting Twitter uses who named the victim as well as investigating Sky who accidentally amplified matters.

Maybe sites such as Twitter need users to download and read a code of ethics or idiots guide to publishing law before being allowed to sign up.

Can sports and social media mix?

Social media and sport are two things that play some part in most of my days. One from a professional standpoint and one for personal reasons (I don’t need to say which is which).

It’s therefore very interesting for me when the two collide. Like Man U deciding to discourage it’s players from using social networking sites. Seems crazy. For a team that boosts about its overseas support, you’d think it would encourage its players to engage with the fans.

On the other hand, I was very impressed to see an Arsenal blogger I follow make the step into live blogging sphere. For me this is the future of community communications where people with shared interests converse openly and in real time. Critics will say these platforms are open to abuse by those with extreme views. True they can. But I’m of the opinion that a warts and all view of human beings in their natural element is one of the most enlighting things to behold.

(Disclaimer: I’m an Arsenal fan so apologies for the bias of this post)